Senior Call Centre Agent
Pretoria, Gauteng
Posted 21 August 2024

Job Details

Job Description

Senior Call Centre Agent


Our client is a leading name in the automotive industry, renowned for exceptional vehicle acquisition and customer service. They are expanding their team and seeking dynamic individuals to enhance their call centre operations.

Location: Pretoria

Salary: R7,500 per month + Commission

Benefits: Mipco – Pension 

Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Qualifications and experience:

  • Experience: Call center or customer service experience is a plus.
  • Skills: Strong verbal communication and a friendly, engaging personality.
  • Certifications: No specific certifications required.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Outbound Calls: Contact customers about their vehicle listings and discuss next steps.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Arrange viewing appointments for buyers.
  • Customer Interaction: Provide clear, professional communication to ensure a positive customer experience.


If you are passionate about customer service and intrigued by the challenges of a call centre environment, this role with our client is the perfect opportunity to advance your career. Apply now and become part of a dynamic team that prioritizes customer satisfaction.

Senior Call Centre Agent

Ons kliënt is 'n toonaangewende naam in die motorbedryf, bekend vir uitsonderlike voertuigverkryging en kliëntediens. Hulle brei hulle span uit en soek dinamiese individue om hulle call centre bedrywighede te verbeter.

Ligging: Pretoria
Salaris: R7,500 per maand + Kommissie
Voordele: Mipco – Pensioen  
Werksure: Maandag tot Vrydag: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Kwalifikasies en ervaring:

  • Ervaring: Call centre of kliëntediens ervaring is 'n pluspunt.
  • Vaardighede: Sterk verbale kommunikasie en 'n vriendelike, betrokke persoonlikheid.
  • Sertifikate: Geen spesifieke sertifikate nodig nie.

Belangrike Verantwoordelikhede:

  • Uitgaande Oproepe: Kontak kliënte oor hulle voertuiglyste en bespreek die volgende stappe.
  • Afspraak Beplanning: Reël besigtiging-afspraak vir kopers.
  • Kliënt Interaksie: Verskaf duidelike, professionele kommunikasie om 'n positiewe kliënt-ervaring te verseker.


As jy passievol is oor kliëntediens en die uitdagings van 'n call centre-omgewing jou interesseer, is hierdie rol by ons kliënt die perfekte geleentheid om jou loopbaan te bevorder. Aansoek nou en word deel van 'n dinamiese span wat kliënttevredenheid prioritiseer.